For NaNoWriMo this year, I’m revisiting an old friend.

This is the time of the year when my thoughts normally turn to November. And the thought of writing 50,000 words in a month.

I’m grateful to NaNoWriMo, if I hadn’t found it, back in 2014 when I had time on my hands, I might never have written Ribbonworld. And that was really where it all started.

I missed NaNo in 2015 when I was busy sorting my life out, but I’ve taken the challenge every year since.

NANoWriMo2024 will be my tenth attempt. All nine of my previous NaNo efforts are now published novels.

And to counter the charge that a novel written in a month can’t be that good, as well as the generally good reviews, one of them, We Are Saul, which I wrote in 2021, has won an award.

Click the picture to find out more.

Then we come to this year’s NaNo.

I know that the organisation’s stance on the use of AI has caused a little bit of excitement in the online writing community. Personally, I try to stay out of all that. While everyone has opinions, I’ve learned not to engage in online discussions. In my experience, it never ends well.

I just treat NaNo as a personal challenge, ignore the rants and keep my mouth shut.

That said, I’m ready to announce that I will be attempting to write the latest Andorra Pett adventure, Andorra Pett Meets Her Match, this November.

I know a lot of people are waiting for this story (because they keep telling me).

This will be her sixth full-length adventure and the most ambitious one yet.

Here’s a little more about the story.

On the dusty plains of Mars and in the Caves of Tharsis, Andorra Pett is on a mission.

She has to return to where Maisie met her end, there’s unfinished business to attend to. But things have changed on Mars, this isn’t going to be the easy job that she’d hoped it would be.

If that wasn’t enough, her partner, Derek’s, daughter, the one who tried to kill her, is due to be released from prison. She’s on Mars, too.

Which means Derek will have a reunion with the wife who left him. Where more secrets are sure to come out.

Meanwhile, all the people who Andorra’s upset recently are gathering, ready for what might be a final showdown.

Is this the end of the road for Andorra?

I’ll keep you updated on my progress in the usual way. To add to the incentive for me to finish the first draft of the novel, my editor is booked for December 1st.

Wish me luck.

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