Round up, a writer’s look back at 2023.

It’s a habit of mine, at this time of the year, to look back at what I’ve done since January and evaluate it.

After a few years of only releasing one new story, this year, I’ve published three. And I have another completed project that I’m waiting for the right time to show to the world.

The three completed novels are,

I Remember Everything.

A psychological thriller.

It’s the big question. Where do we go, when it’s all over?
What happens to our unfinished business?
At 20:08, Detective Ian Gisbon is murdered.
At the same instant as he dies, on the other side of the country, Suzan Halford is born.
Nobody could have guessed that locked in her head is the key to unmasking Ian’s killer.

All Suzan has to do is grow up and remember it.

Before she’s aware of her knowledge, a chance discovery sets an unstoppable chain of events in motion, and Suzan’s life spirals out of control.

What’s happening is impossible, it’s destroying her family. And driving her crazy.

There’s only one person she can turn to, the only one who can help. But they’ve been gone for years. Finding them will mean that justice can finally be done.

Andorra Pett and the Luna Mining Conspiracy.

Wherever Andorra Pett goes, trouble seems to be waiting for her.

The Moon is no exception.
Andorra and her best friend, Cy are in Selenville having a quiet holiday. It seems ideal, there’s a bit of sightseeing to do but she chose it because it’s a good place to chill and unwind.
Except, nothing is ever easy in her world.
When they arrive, they find that Selenville is alive with intrigue, over the control of the Moon’s industry.
A chance remark leads them on the trail of an audacious plot to destabilise the economy of the solar system and give control of everything in it to a criminal syndicate. A plot so well hidden that nobody will believe it’s possible.
This means that Andorra has to find proof, and the right person to show it to.
Time is of the essence; although she doesn’t know it, her world is about to change forever.

The Safety of the Realm.

Steampunk adventure.

Following on from The Sensaurum and The Lexis.

In the second Orphan Detectives story, Jackson and Jessamine are newly-wed and on holiday, aboard the luxury liner King Leopold. Their destination, the fabled Western Isles, lands of mystery and scene of many a recent battle. It should be a time of rest and recuperation, of seeing the wonders of life in foreign parts.

They find that their voyage is filled with intrigue, everyone has a secret to hide. Life on the ocean wave is no life of leisure.

Then there is the visitor in foreign parts, with the news that they are needed to fight a new foe.

This threat is borne of a new way of waging war, against which Norlandia has no defence.

Unless the plans for the destruction of everything they hold dear can be retrieved.

And the one that’s poised to go,

The Adventures of Kalyn Deere.

Kalyn Deere is straight out of the Navy and straight into trouble.

When she arrives home, after five years away, Kalyn misses seeing her father by an hour. There’s no chance to patch up their broken relationship, no time to explain.

A month later, he sends her a message. “Help me,” is all he says.

Erik Deere is a private investigator and bounty hunter, a job he said Kayln must never be allowed to do. That’s the reason she left in the first place.

With Erik missing, she’s dragged into his world, whether he likes it or not.

Kalyn needs to find her father and keep his business going. All the while pretending that everything is normal.

She has to learn fast, helped by Erik’s secretary, Silva. And by some of the dubious characters she meets along the way.

Kalyn Deere. Bounty Hunter.

Solving crime and searching for her father, all across the Galaxy.

So, I can safely say that it’s been a productive year.

That’s without mentioning Where’s Lizzie? which was this year’s NaNo project.

I’m happy to say that my editor has returned the first draft, her verdict?

“a very chilling tale, this is going to be a great read.”

There’s a bit of work to do on it, but I’m hopeful that I can get it finished ready for publication in May or June 2024.

It only remains to wish you all the compliments of the season, however you may choose to celebrate it.

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