Please welcome this week’s guest to the Showcase.

The reasons I took to writing were two-fold. I realize that now. After more contemplation…At first, I thought it was the desire to reach in – share; and copy, the mysterious worlds of Hans Christian Anderson and The Brothers Grimm; their stories offered as a release from the separation presented by evacuation to South Wales in World War 11.
As if…Stories I read by candlelight, the flickering shadows on the walls enhancing the creepy, frightening while enticing tales, until my aunt banged on the ceiling. But, looking back, it was more than that – the reason too sophisticated for my young mind to grasp.
The other part of ‘the fold,’ was emulating my father, who had excellent English and was a dab hand at Calligraphy. The forming and actual writing of the words were, for a long time, more important than the story…and I was proud to later receive my Pitman’s handwriting certificate. I also took a brief course in Calligraphy but it proved to be too slow for my pen, although I remain a great admirer of its form. In the end, I suppose, it comes down to expression, for when life bubbles up inside one, what better way to share it if it manifests itself in an art form. Apart from The Bluebells of Scotland, played on an inherited piano, I wasn’t cut out for music, although I loved/love it. It wasn’t until later in life that I tried water-colour painting, which I also took to, but wasn’t a natural artist as my eldest son proved to be.
Letter writing and poetry at first captivated me and I ran a poetry group Odes For Joy and won a few prizes. Meanwhile having three sons and running a business, I put my writing on the back burner, until we sold the hotel husband and I had been running and was commissioned to write a factual book about running a small hotel. This lead to another factual book and updating a few ‘in-house’ ones, until the hotel book went to a second printing ‘Life, ‘ living abroad for a short while and travelling, ate into time and we were- suddenly, it seemed – faced with semi-retirement in Spain
The first, more serious ‘writing lure’ was The Torrevieja Writing Group, and while there, I won the first International Short Story competition run in Torrevieja, Spain, with Worth its Salt, and it was after that the words came more easily. As I admire and respect those handy, twenty-six letters of the alphabet and am fascinated by what makes human beings tick, writing was and is an ongoing ‘must.’ Although I admire all forms of good writing, I prefer to write from facts, and leave the paranormal fantasies and horror to those with that type of imagination, although I also enjoy composing murder tales and detective dramas, and the above was my only Time Travel adventure tale.
I joined the local U3A: Uni of the Third Age (still functioning) and ran a class for them for a few years, but now belong to another group: Writers’ Ink, which has sporadic meetings due to the virus, although we do have an on-line connection with our members via Facebook and are delighted to hear from members. We also hope to meet again in September.
I published a memoir: My Gentle War, in 2005, containing excerpts from my Dad’s war diaries, and wrote many short stories which were included in anthologies; also more poetry and several other books. I have just finished writing my ninth book called The Dobrowski Portrait, set in Poland and the UK, and am awaiting a publisher….
Strangely, I have never been that ambitious, although I harvested more than a few coppers from my first two books and via winning a few prizes, nowadays most of my writing is unpaid: two columns weekly in a local newspaper (at least 350 columns over the years) a monthly blog and various other bits and pieces…but the pleasure of writing and the joy it often (usually) brings is inestimable. I love it!
Joy can be found here.
Titles by Joy Lennick

Running your Own Small Hotel
Jobs in Baking & Confectionery
My Gentle War
Hurricane Halsey
From the Prairies to Paschendaele
The Catalyst
With the late author Jean Wilson Sontag
Where Angels & Devils Fear to Tread
HUMOUR (with husband Eric Lennick)
The Moon is Wearing a Tutu
NUMEROUS SHORT STORIES In various anthologies.
Celtic Cameos & Other Poems
Many in Collections
Most books are available on Amazon and Kindle.
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Have a good week,
Joy Lennick
A million thanks, Richard. May your bread always rise. Cheers. Joy x
Richard Dee
You’re welcome.