Special Offer
I’ve got several new posts to put up on the theme of my writing but I thought it was time for a bit of publicity. Andorra Pett is released onto the unsuspecting world on Thursday, June 1st. I’m sure that all … Continued
What I see is what you get! Science Fiction and Steampunk adventures. This is also the official home of the Solar System's newest and most reluctant amateur detective, Andorra Pett. "Richard Dee. The master of the truly different." Michelle Medhat - Best Selling Author.
I’ve got several new posts to put up on the theme of my writing but I thought it was time for a bit of publicity. Andorra Pett is released onto the unsuspecting world on Thursday, June 1st. I’m sure that all … Continued
I received two boxes from Ingram this week, 50 pristine copies of Myra have arrived. I’ve been busy sending out pre-orders, but I still have a few copies left if anyone’s interested. The cost is £7 including U.K. postage, you can … Continued