
posted in: News, Writing | 0

The proof of the paperback version of The Rocks of Aserol has arrived and in the end, the whole Ingram thing was easy. No doubt that was due to the work put in by my team, Helen Baggott on Edit, Lin White on Format and Cathy Helms on Graphics. Between them, they made the process so simple and I can’t thank them enough. You can reach their websites by clicking on their names and if you’re in the market for experts with patience and skill, I would recommend them to you. Just say I sent you!

So now I have looked through the proof and it seems OK. I have ordered a print copy for a final run-through before I set up distribution, just to be sure.

Hopefully, you are also enjoying the Flash Fiction teasers for the book, another will be posted everywhere on June 1st so don’t miss that.

Also, I am in negotiation for a new venture which I am really excited about. No clues yet, if it all comes together I will tell you soon.

And another, unrelated Flash will be posted here on Sunday 22nd May. It’s called “Seventy-five square miles of Pluto.”


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