One hundred articles on Medium, and counting.

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In a little more than four months, I’ve written and published over one hundred articles and stories on Medium. I hadn’t realised that I’d passed that milestone until I noticed that it had come and gone but never mind, a celebration is still in order.

I’ve discovered that I enjoy writing shorter pieces, now that I’ve come to terms with the fact that I don’t need to spend as long setting things up as you do in a novel.

Less is definitely more when it comes to flash fiction, particularly in drabbles, where your word count is limited to exactly one hundred .

Not having to develop an idea to fill 70 or 80 thousand words is liberating.

You can take a vague concept, play with it for a thousand words or so and see where it leads.

In that total, there are 28 Flash Fiction responses to prompts,

15 Drabbles,

12 short stories and

22 Episodes of serial fiction, in two ongoing stories

The rest are articles about me and my writing life.

Considering I only published my first article on Medium on November 11th last year, that’s not a bad output.

I’m yet to get any of my posts boosted, which apparently is the gateway to increased visibility but I’m doing alright. I have managed to get over 400 followers and write for six publications, three of them on a regular basis.

I’m even making a few dollars when people read my work.

I haven’t pushed to get more followers or exposure as hard as I might have done, I’m trying to pace myself and only produce good content, rather than throw everything online. I aim to be there for the long term and that means starting slowly and building properly.

You can find my work at

I’d love to get your comments, please leave them below. While you’re here, why not take a look around? There are some freebies and lots more content, about me, my writing and everything else that I do. You can join my newsletter for a free novella and more news by clicking this link.


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