Officially, Finn Douglas died on active duty. The truth is more complicated.

When a Federation Navy patrol is ambushed, on the edge of explored space, Finn is the only survivor. Instead of death, he’s given the chance of a new life. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut.

Fitted with a second-hand identity chip, Finn Douglas becomes Dave Travise.

His new boss is Rixon, a trader with flexible morals, living on both sides of the law. Dave soon finds that his new life isn’t easy. Rixon has plenty of rivals, all looking for a chance to settle old scores.

As his life lurches from one crisis to another, Dave only has his wits and his new shipmates to keep him safe. If they can be trusted.

If that wasn’t enough, there’s Myra, the engineer on his new home. She could be available, except that she’s the real Dave Travise’s old flame.

Whatever name he uses, Dave’s going to need all the luck in the galaxy to get out of this in one piece.


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