As well as “Myra,” I have a sequel to “Ribbonworld” in progress. Provisionally called “Jungle Green,” it features several of the same characters, (you’ll have to wait to see which ones!) but completely different locations. The subject for this story is the trade in counterfeit drugs. As usual, the story spans the galaxy and features all the action and adventure that made Ribbonworld, in the words of Emily Maynard, “fast-paced and interesting and kept me guessing right up to the end. I’d like to compare it to Total Recall, not so much in the story, but in the intensity. This book is a great mix of mystery and thrill ride that will keep you guessing until the last page.” Jungle Green currently has 36,000 words completed
And thanks to Helen, my editor there will be a sequel to “The Rocks of Aserol” as well. On completing an edit of the manuscript, she said, “So, what did I think? I loved it. I don’t read too many ‘steampunk’ novels and I found yours to be an excellent read. I was drawn straight into the plot and characters. Presumably there’s a sequel? If not, why not?”
Well just for you, there now will be, as of today (May15th) I have a plot and 10,000 words done.
Not only that, I have a few other stories in the pipeline, some Flash Fiction ideas and another project which is exciting me. I can’t tell you much about it at the moment, ask me again next month.