Myra, the first thoughts.

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I have had feedback from the first readers of Myra One said, “Myra is brilliant,” the other, “Myra is a wonderful book!” I have the first draft back from my editor as well, there are a few things she has spotted … Continued


Published Today

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The eBook has arrived, available here “The Rocks of Aserol is undoubtedly an old-fashioned adventure in the tradition of HG Wells and Jules Verne!” – So said Barb Taub at  


A New Stockist

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I’m very pleased to announce that Paper Moon in Totnes, (just above the marketplace) are now stocking “The Rocks of Aserol.”                   Paperbacks are available at £7.99.


The Rocks of Aserol, The Video Trailer.

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Circle of Spears have just sent me this video trailer for the audiobook. Enjoy     [KGVID downloadlink=”true”][/KGVID]


The Rocks of Aserol, audiobook edition.

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The audiobook is available for pre-order, Circle of Spears took it along to the Morwellham summer festival last weekend, where it made its first public appearance.   you can hear a sample for yourself HERE and order your copy HERE


1066 Turned Upside Down and more news

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We are in the news again, 1066TUD is the Indie Book of the Week at Self-Publishing Magazine and is also featured on Cryssa Bazos’s blog Not only that, a series of blog interviews with the authors is underway at Annie Whitehead’s blog. I’m up on September … Continued


Two pieces of Big News.

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Cue fanfares, drum rolls and the like! I have found the most amazing artist to design the cover for “Myra,”and we have done a deal. You can read an extract from Myra HERE Her name is Vicki Boulter and her website … Continued
