Hi and thanks for your interest in beta reading “Andorra Pett and the Oort Cloud Cafe.”

Here is the back cover blurb,

“Meet Andorra Pett, with her trusty sidekick, she’s taken over a derelict café. On a mining station. It just happens to be orbiting Saturn!

She’s hoping for a quieter life, away from drama. It’s a chance to relax and start again; in a place where nobody knows her.

But the café holds a secret and secrets have a habit of coming out – whether you want them to or not. And the more you try to pretend that there’s nothing going on, the worse it gets.

Andorra’s plans get lost amid revelations and skulduggery and she soon realises that the fate of the station lays in her accident prone hands.

In space, you can still trip over your feet; the question is, can you land upright?”

The manuscript is a first draft, it has been edited once for spelling and grammar, some minor errors and plot holes may remain, that’s really why I would like you to take a look.

At this stage, your comments on the plot and readability of the story are more important to me than the grammar is.


Let me know your email below and which format you’d like, epub, mobi or pdf.

I’ll be in touch with the file, please note I would appreciate your comments by the middle of February.


Many thanks,

Richard D.

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