The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

When I was a small child, I was always told never to be boastful, never to shout about my successes. I’ve tried to live by this advice as much as possible, never show off or trumpet my achievements too much. … Continued


The Indie Showcase Presents, Chantelle Atkins.

What I Write and Where it Came From Guaranteed, when someone finds out you’re a writer, the first question they ask is; ‘so, what do you write?’. For people who write in one, definable genre, this must be a simple … Continued


I’m on tour from Thursday,

a writing update. I thought I’d talk about writing this week. Looking back over the past few posts, the last time I actually did that was on Feb 22nd, when I let you into the workings of a new project. … Continued
